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We help you communicate better with patients and each other

Ten Minute Medicine produces courses, webinars, books, and information sheets to make communication more effective and difficult conversations less daunting.

We focus on communication skills training and technology and primary care training and consultancy.

We do courses…

Finding the right course to build your skills can be challenging

You’ve got limited time and you just need the facts, right?

There are many training organisations that offer to teach you all about a specific topic - we’re different - how?

  • Courses available on-demand at any time of the day, from anywhere in the world where you can access a browser
  • Real world solutions for real world problems - all of the courses are designed with the practitioner in mind; this is not about ivory-tower thinking, it’s about what just works
  • Courses evolve - if we update a course or add new material, you get complementary access: pay once for the material and get free upgrades!
  • All questions are answered - if you want more information or want help to apply our suggestions to your scenarios, just ask

Browse our current courses

Find out how our course can help you with common issues and access practical training

Managing Complaints

Find out how to manage complaints from patients and break-down a complaint into facts and emotion so that you can more effectively answer it. This course also includes advice on managing the negative consequences of complaints and challenging situations with coroner's inquests and regulatory investigation.

Better Time Management

Want to find out how to get home on time, improve time management in the consultation and avoid creating more work for yourself?

Start this course to get essential tips and techniques that you can use straight away.

Time Management 2.0

This course explores how you naturally manage time and explores how to make the most of your strengths and how to minimise your time management weak spots!

Treating Chronic Pain

This course explores the psychology of chronic pain and how we can use techniques from psychotherapy and CBT to look at how to manage pain more effectively. 

There is a recap of how pain develops and how to recognise when pain becomes chronic as well as things to avoid when treating patients with this often disabling symptom.

Medically Unexplained Symptoms

MUS accounts for up to 20% of presentations in general practice settings but management is often difficult, investigations challenging, and explaining to patients how their symptoms are generated and successfully treated is difficult.

This course explores common patterns of medically unexplained symptoms and how to approach patients effectively to build rapport and organise successful care.

Rethink the 'Heartsink' - A Guide to Managing Challenging Patient Interactions

Doctors often struggle to manage patients where there are high degrees of emotion, where we cannot find a solution, or where maladaptive psychological processes develop. 

This course outlines how we can help patients rather than labelling them, explores how to communicate effectively, and which strategies work best to build an optimal doctor-patient relationship.

Ten Challenging Consultations

This course is practical and focuses on ten commonly encountered situations in general practice. The course gives tips and techniques for how to deal with each of these and suggestions for engaging and working with challenging patient dynamics.

Assertiveness and Saying No

One of the biggest challenges we face in medicine is being able to say no and authentically communicate our boundaries respectfully. 

This two hour video and written course outlines the challenges that healthcare professionals face and how to overcome them successfully. 

Motivational Interviewing

This course will equip you with the skills to engage patients in changing and modifying behaviours, and also help with managing employees and helping trainees if you are a GP or consultant trainer.

Trauma-Informed Care

Trauma-informed care is considered best-practice within patient-doctor interactions. Knowledge of how trauma can influence interactions enables easier consultations and avoid common pitfalls that can re-traumatise patients.

Trauma and the Body

Adverse experience can influence the production and maintenance of physical and psychological symptoms.

In this course, we take a deep-dive into how trauma influences physical and emotional experience and how to manage it.

The Advanced Consulting Course

This course explored advanced techniques to enable you to understand how to spot when consultations are starting to become dysfunctional and how to course correct.

The Triage Course

Join me and Dr Hussain Gandhi from eGPlearning as we give you the most comprehensive overview of how to successfully build and manage triage systems within your GP practice.

First 5 Essentials

This course focusses on what you need to survive, thrive, and excel in your first 5 years post CCT in General Practice!

Effective Communication with Colleagues

Learn the skills necessary for effective communication with anybody! This course introduces the OPEN-FR3 framework for approach challenging conversations with ease.

Understanding the Drama Triangle

This course will highlight how you can spot, avoid, and escape from drama triangles with patients, colleagues and even family members.